Human head tolerance limits to specific injury mechanisms inferred from real world accident numerical reconstruction
head injury, finite element method, real world accident reconstruction, injury mechanism, tolerance limitsAbstract
This study presents an original numerical human head model which is validated in both modal and temporal domain against vibration analysis in vivo and cadaver impact tests. The head finite element model developed presents two particularities : one at the interface between the brain and the skull were fluid structure interaction is taken into account, the other at the skull modelling level by integrating the bone fracture prediction. Validation shows that the model correlated well with a number of experimental cadaver tests. This improved numerical head surrogate is then used for numerical real world accident reconstruction. Helmet damage from thirteen motorcycle accidents is replicated in drop tests in order to define the head’s loading conditions. A total of twenty two well documented American football players head trauma is reconstructed as well as twenty nine pedestrian head impacts on car windscreens. By correlating head injury type and location with calculated mechanical parameters, it is possible to derive new injury risk curves relative to specific injury mechanisms.
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