Finite element model of the human neck during omni-directional impacts
Part I. Kinematics and injury
neck, modelling, impact, injuryAbstract
A 3D Finite Element model was developed under the FE code Radioss, to explore the mechanisms of injury occurring during various kinds of impacts. It represents the head and neck of a 50th percentile human seated in a reference position. It includes a volumic representation of the head, cervical vertebras, intervertebral discs, muscles and soft tissues. Contacts are taken into account between articular facets as well as between spinous processes. The kinematical behaviour of the model was evaluated omni-directionally for various impacts, using published experimental results of head and vertebral 3D motions and accelerations, obtained both on cadavers and volunteers. The model’s ability to reproduce injury mechanisms was also assessed; its behaviour was compared to available experimental injury assessment data, therefore allowing to define local injury criteria.
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