Modélisation des murs porteurs en béton armé par éléments finis multicouches


  • Belmouden Youssef Laboratoire de Mécanique et des Matériaux-L.M.M. Avenue des Nations unies BP 8147 – Rabat Maroc
  • Elharif Abderrahmane Laboratoire de Mécanique et des Matériaux-L.M.M. Avenue des Nations unies BP 8147 – Rabat Maroc


fiber finite element, flexibility-based method, structural wall, reinforced concrete, cyclic non linear analysis, bond slip deformation, shear deformation, ductility, trilinear model, capacity design method


This paper presents a one-dimensional flexibility-based finite element model for two-dimensional reinforced concrete structures. It is decomposed into a fiber beam element and interface fiber connection hinges. The model is then used to simulate the static-cyclic behaviour of a reinforced concrete structural wall designed using the capacity design method for seismic actions. The correlation study of analytical results with experimental evidence show very good agreement in simulating global non-linear response, shear deformations, and the fixed end rotation due to bond slip effect in the critical regions in the structural wall.


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How to Cite

Youssef, B. ., & Abderrahmane, E. (2003). Modélisation des murs porteurs en béton armé par éléments finis multicouches. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 12(7-8), 907–932. Retrieved from



Original Article