Investigating Branched Cut-off Wall Effect on Seepage Using Numerical Modelling
Seepage, cut-off wall, numerical analysis, upliftAbstract
In this research, numerical modelling has been conducted to expand on existing research on cut-off walls mainly done by, [2] and [8]. This study is aimed at examining a unique geometric alignment that accommodates ‘branches’ on either side of a vertical 12-metre-deep cut-off wall and investigates the subsequent effect on seepage (discharge) and uplift force within the foundation of the dam. From the study conducted it had been observed that seepage was reduced with the inclusion of these branches whilst the cut-off wall was located at the centre base of a concrete dam. Subsequent testing of altering the branches’ angle presented a further reduction in seepage through the soil strata, with the optimum angle being around the range of 60–70 degrees. Further experimentation had shown that altering the position at two other distinct locations (dam’s heel and toe) has had a significant reduction in seepage with the heel being the most effective at reducing it. Uplift pressure has been evaluated to show that the best position for minimal uplift force is at the heel of the dam.
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