Propagation de crue en milieu urbain

REM²U : un outil 1D maillé aux éléments finis


  • Jean-Michel Tanguy Ministère de l’Environnement – Direction de l’eau 20, avenue de Ségur, F-75731 Paris SP 07
  • Bainian Zhang GRADIENT – Groupe Université de Technologie de Compiègne Département GSM – BP 20 529 F-60205 Compiègne cedex


Urban hydrology, Flooding, Hydrological risk, Nîmes, Computational model, Finite element method, Lax-Wendroff approach


The recent flooding events in urban areas has resulted in loss of human lives and considerable economic damage. In the aim of enhancing understanding of the phenomena involved in the propagation of floodwaters through heavily-urbanized zones, a meshed onedimensional model (based on the Saint-Venant equations) has been developed. This model's objective is to assimilate the complexity of flows due to both the presence of intersections and the joint occurrence of subcritical and supercritical flows. This model has already been applied to the catastrophe that befell the Richelieu district in Nîmes (France) in 1998. A comparison of the results obtained with about ten measurements of actual flood marks has provided encouraging signs as to the model's capacity to assess risks in urban settings.


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How to Cite

Tanguy, J.-M., & Zhang, B. . (2003). Propagation de crue en milieu urbain: REM²U : un outil 1D maillé aux éléments finis. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 12(2-3), 297–316. Retrieved from



Original Article