Application du contrôle optimal à l’identification d’un chargement thermique


  • Benoit Delattre Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides CNRS UMR 7649 Ecole Polytechnique 91128 Palaiseau cedex
  • Claude Stolz Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides CNRS UMR 7649 Ecole Polytechnique 91128 Palaiseau cedex
  • Damien Ivaldi PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN DINQ / DRIA / SARA /MATE Centre de Vélizy - route de Gisy 78943 Vélizy-Villacoublay


optimal control, thermal, identification


We are faced with an inverse problem in the determination of some engine temperature concerning unreacheable pieces. To reduce the experimental costs, PSA tends to develop the theoretical method of optimal control. It allows us to approach the effective temperature using measured physical data and hard- and software possibilities. We collected mathematical and experimental results which provide us a way of evaluating the reliability and accuracy of the method.


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How to Cite

Delattre, B. ., Stolz, C. ., & Ivaldi, D. (2002). Application du contrôle optimal à l’identification d’un chargement thermique. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 11(2-4), 393–404. Retrieved from



Original Article