Quelques problèmes non linéaires liés aux écoulements en lubrification et leur résolution par éléments finis
Lubrication, non linearities, finite elementsAbstract
A lubricated mechanism is defined as the contact of two bodies in relative motion or not, loaded and separated by a fluid film. Solids are characterised by geometry and kinematic conditions in the contact zone. Lubricant properties, contact geometry and kinematic conditions can introduce flow particularities such as turbulence, overheating and fluid reactions due to its rheological properties. Numerous works allow the development of mathematical theories which are necessary to determine the following different fields :pressure, temperature and stress. Thus we have to solve a set of non-linear partial derivative equations which have no rigorous analytical solutions. Consequently the use of numerical methods is necessary. We present in this paper the application of the Finite Element Method to three particular flow types usually found in practical applications : turbulence with inertia, thermohydrodynamic and non-Newtonian. The treatment with FEM is presented as well as some examples of practical applications.
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