Approche par la MEF de la lubrification thermoélastohydrodynamique des paliers de tête de bielle


  • Dominique Souchet Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides, UMR CNRS 6610 4, avenue de Varsovie F-16021 Angoulême Cedex
  • Stéphane Piffeteau Renault Centre Technique de Rueil 67, rue des bons raisins F-92508 Rueil Malmaison


Connecting-rod big end bearing, thermoelastohydrodynamic lubrication, transient phenomena, dynamical laoding, connecting-rod elastic-deformation, thermal expansion.


The determination of the fluid film hydrodynamic flow and the knowledge of the thermal or elastic structure deformations are necessary to study the lubrication of the connecting-rod shaft link of a thermal engine. A thermal problem embedding the fluid, the shaft and the connecting-rod must be solved to calculate the solid thermal deformations. Taking into account the transient phenomena, the generalized Reynolds equation, the applied load balance equations, the elasticity equations, the energy equation and the heat equations allow the determination of the different film characteristics. All these equations are discretized by the finite element method. The TEHD problem can be separated into two coupled non-linear problems solved by the Newton-Raphson method.


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How to Cite

Souchet, D., & Piffeteau, S. . (2001). Approche par la MEF de la lubrification thermoélastohydrodynamique des paliers de tête de bielle. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 10(6-7), 815–847. Retrieved from



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