Computational issues and applications for 3D anisotropie damage modelling: coupling effects of damage and frictional sliding
madel, quasi-brittle, damage, frictional sliding, coupling, numerical integration, simulation, engineering applicationsAbstract
The inelastic response for quasi-brittle mate rials is due to generation and growth of oriented mesocracks. A 3D madel taking into account most of effects induced by this kind of damage is outlined. The emphasis is put on the modelling of damage by me soc rack growth and frictional sliding on closed mesocrack lips. From a numerical point if view, a pure/y implicit local integration scheme has been chosen for bath damage and sliding evolutions. This method has been found panicularly adapted to the damage modelling at stake here. Although the proposed madel couples two dissipative phenomena, the numerical integration is facilitated by a law degree of effective connection between the equations governing each evolution. Simulations of boundary-value problems illustrate the peninence of the coupled madel.
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