Energy dissipation regarding transient response of concrete structures

Constitutive equations coupling damage and friction


  • Frédéric Ragueneau Laboratoire de Mécanique et technologie, ENS de CachanCNRS UMR 8535/Université Pierre et Marie Curie 61, avenue du président Wilson, F-94235 Cachan cedex
  • Jacky Mazars Laboratoire de Mécanique et technologie, ENS de CachanCNRS UMR 8535/Université Pierre et Marie Curie 61, avenue du président Wilson, F-94235 Cachan cedex
  • Christian La Borderie LaSAGeC, 1SA du BTP, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour 1, allée Cantau,F-64600 Anglet


cancrete, damage, sliding with friction, damping, seismic


This paper deals with the 3D expression of a constitutive relation for brittle materials such as concrete accounting for cracking with friction. Based on damage mechanics, a macroscopic description of the material behaviour introducing this new dissipative phenomenon allows one ta take into account, during cyclic loading, the hysteresis /oops at a fixed leve/ of damage. This mode/ has been implemented within a multilayered finite element code dedicated ta the analysis of structures subjected ta seismic loading. First computations enlighten the rote of an accurate description of the material physical dissipation towards the global damping at the structurallevel.


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How to Cite

Ragueneau, F. ., Mazars, J. ., & Borderie, C. L. . (2001). Energy dissipation regarding transient response of concrete structures: Constitutive equations coupling damage and friction. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 10(2-4), 259–273. Retrieved from



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