Simulation numérique de l'endommagement de fluage par la méthode LATIN
creep damage descriptions, viscoplasticity, non-linear geometry, constitutive laws integration, LATIN methodAbstract
This paper deals with a numerical analysis of creep components up to failure. We will take an interest in the macroscopic mode ling of the creep curves with its three stages based on the irreversible thermodynamics theory with interna! variables. A viscoplastic mode! is used to de scribe primary and secondary creep behaviors, and the tertiary creep description is based upon the introduction of a scalar damage variable and the non-linear effects of changes in geometry. Therefore, viscoplastic damage models in non-linear geometry are defined in arder to describe different modes of creep damage development. The numerical treatment uses the finite element method and LATIN method in a version adapted to solve non-linear problems with geometrical non linearities, in arder to obtain a rapid creep !ife assessment.
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