Guidelines for authors

Presentation of articles


  • HERMES Science Publications 8, quai du Marché-Neuf 75004 Paris


a maximum of six significant words should be chosen in English and in French and presented as key words


This document comprising guidelines for authors, is divided into three sections. The editor kindly requests that authors respect these guidelines. This abstract should be no longer than ten lines. An abstract in French should also be given. Both are written in Times New Roman 9pt on Il pt, italie, with a space of 3pt in between each subsection.


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These should be in Times New Roman, 9pt on 11 pt. The references are listed at

the end of the article in alphabetical order, separated from each other by 6pt. In the

main body of the article they are presented as follows: [KOL 97].

In the bibliography the name of the author(s) is in small capitals. They are

justified with a negative indent of 5mm.

Here are a few examples of the most common types:

[KOL 97] KoLSKI C.,Interfaces homme machine, Paris, Editions Hermès, 1997.

[DEM 94] DEMEURE 1., FARHAT J., "Systèmes de processus légers: concepts et exemples",

Technique et Science lnfonnatiques, vol. 13 no. 6, 1994, p. 765-795.

[LAL 97] LAILOUET A., "OP-LOG: un langage logique data-parallèle", Actes des 6 journées

francophones de programmation logique et programmation par contraintes JFPLC'97,

Orléans, 26-28 mai 1997, Paris, Editions Hermes, p. 53-68.

[BRA 95] BRAUN T., DIOT C., HOGLANDER A., ROCA V., An experimental user leve! of

implementation ofTCP, rapport de recherche no. 265. séptembre 1995, INRIA.




How to Cite

Publications, H. S. . (2001). Guidelines for authors: Presentation of articles. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 10(1), 10–10. Retrieved from



Original Article