Simulation numerique par nne methode d' elements finis optimale des equations de N avier-Stokes en formulation


  • Fatteh Allah Ghadi Equipe d'Analyse Numerique et Calcu/ Scientifique Departement de Mathematiques, Faculte des Sciences, Universite lnb Zohr, Agadir, Maroc
  • Vitoriano Ruas Universite de Saint-Etienne, Faculte des Sciences et Techniques & Laboratoire de modelisation en mecanique UPMC, URA 229. 4e etage, F. 75252, Paris
  • Mohamed Wakrim Equipe d'Analyse Numerique et Calcu/ Scientifique Departement de Mathematiques, Faculte des Sciences, Universite lnb Zohr, Agadir, Maroc


Driven cavity, finite element, Navier-Stokes equations, stream -function, vorticity, mixed approach, backstep problem


This paper present numerical results for the Navier-Stokes problem in terms of the stream-function and the vorticicty, obtained by our mixte approach [GHA 95] based on the decomposition of the vorticity function, in the case k = l,for the problem of the driven cavity and the backstep problem. In order to prove the performance of this method a comparision with the existing results is done.


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How to Cite

Ghadi, F. A. ., Ruas, V. ., & Wakrim, M. . (2000). Simulation numerique par nne methode d’ elements finis optimale des equations de N avier-Stokes en formulation. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 9(5), 591–609. Retrieved from



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