Analyse numerique d'une formulation mixte de Ia magnetostatique lineaire


  • Christian Daveau Laboratoire d'Analyse Numerique Universite Paris-Sud F-9/405 Orsay Cedex


magnetostatic, mixed .finite elements, inf sup condition


/11 this paper. we study magnetostatic problem. We establish a mixed formulation in magnetostatics and we show that the problem is well-posed with Brezzi-Babuslw theory, an inf-sup condition is proved. A mixed Raviart-Thomasjinite element method of minimal order is used to approximate the continuous problem in H(div) x L2 . Numerical tests are implemented to validate the method. First, we consider a sphere in a homogeneous source field then a domain in which the permeability is not constant.


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How to Cite

Daveau, C. . (2000). Analyse numerique d’une formulation mixte de Ia magnetostatique lineaire. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 9(5), 611–620. Retrieved from



Original Article