Methodes d 'elements spectra ox pour des problemes hybrides duaux de second ordre axisymetriques

Application a l'algorithme de projection de Goda


  • Mejdi Azaiez Institut de Mecanique des Fluides, (UMR 5502)
  • Faker Ben Belgacem Mathematiques pour l' /ndustrie et Ia Physique, ( UMR 5640) Universite Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cedex
  • Hicham Khallouf Mecanique et Dynamique des Systemes (MEDYSYS) 29 rue Jean Rostand, 91893 Orsay cedex


axisymmetric, mixed spectral elements, projection, Darcy, Navier-Stokes


The subject of this paper consists in studying the second order elliptic equations under the hybrid dual formulation, in an axisymmetric context and their discretization by spectral methods. Next, we present a spectral approximation, based on staggered grids, without spurious modes and we give optimal error estimates in mono- and multi-domain configurations. We describe the implementation of this method and carry out a numerical discussion to quantify its efficiency. Then, we use this technique for the approximation of the projection step of second order Goda algorithm applied to the numerical simulation of the unsteady Stokes equations and we prove unconditonal stability of the resulting scheme. Finally, some numerical experiments are provided showing the ability of such a technique to simulate a axisymetric Navier-Stokes flow.


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How to Cite

Azaiez, M. ., Belgacem, F. B. ., & Khallouf, H. . (1999). Methodes d ’elements spectra ox pour des problemes hybrides duaux de second ordre axisymetriques: Application a l’algorithme de projection de Goda. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 8(8), 821–846. Retrieved from



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