Couplage de modeles et de methodes numeriques pour I' electromagnetisme en domaine temporel


  • Malika Remaki INRIA-CERMICS 2004 route des Lucioles, BP 93- Sophia Antipolis- F-06902 Valbonne
  • Frederic Poupaud Laboratoire Dieudonne- UMR 6621 du CNRS. Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Pare Valrose-F- 06108 Nice cedex 2
  • Loula Fezoui INRIA-CERMICS 2004 route des Lucioles, BP 93- Sophia Antipolis- F-06902 Valbonne
  • Olivier Chanrion INRIA-CERMICS 2004 route des Lucioles, BP 93- Sophia Antipolis- F-06902 Valbonne


Electromagnetism, Maxwell equations, Vlasov-Poisson, Vlasov-Maxwell, Finite Volume, Finite Difference


This paper deals with coupling models and/or methods in electromagnetism. The first part of the paper is devoted to the coupling of physical models (Vlasov-Poisson, VlasovMaxwell) which describe some field-particle interactions. In the second part, we present a new hybrid finite difference/ finite volume scheme applied to the time domain Maxwell equations.


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How to Cite

Remaki, M. ., Poupaud, F. ., Fezoui, L. ., & Chanrion, O. (1999). Couplage de modeles et de methodes numeriques pour I’ electromagnetisme en domaine temporel. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 8(5-6), 639–658. Retrieved from



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