Modes elasto-acoustiques d 'on systeme couple fluide-structure


  • Mohamed Haddar /PEIN 8000 Nabeul Tunisie RESUME


structure, fluid, elasto-acoustics modes, finite elements, modal method


Numerical model has been developed to study elasto-acoustics behaviour of elastic structure coupled with cavity full by compressible fluid. The so called numerical model is able to calculate coupled frequencies and modes of structure-fluid system. In this paper, global functional has been done according to the formulation of appropriates equations of structure fluid problem. Modal method is employed to calculate elasto-acoustics modes. It represents the mouvment of the structure by its uncoupled eigenmodes. The modal pression inside the cavity is considered as the sum of statical pression and dynamical one. In order to clarify these coupled phenomenas, two differents examples has been studied. The first one is the case of elastic plate coupled with a cavity full of fluid (air or water). The second model is the case of two elastica/ plates coupled with a cavity full of light fluid (air).


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How to Cite

Haddar, M. . (1999). Modes elasto-acoustiques d ’on systeme couple fluide-structure. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 8(4), 455–469. Retrieved from



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