A co eight node finite element based on a shell theory
Comparison with the degenerated approach
shell theory, degenerated approach, finite element, shear locking, membrane locking, linear static testsAbstract
The development of ()l eight node shell finite elements based upon the ReissnerMindlin kinematics for geometrically and materially linear applications in structural mechanics is presented. Special attention is given ta the two ways of obtaining a shell finite element : shell theory and degenerated solid approach. We compare, with the same mechanical assumptions and the same finite element approximations, a new eight node semithick shell finite element based on a doubly curved shell theory ( M2D) and an eight node finite element based on the degenerated approach ( MDG ). These two finite elements have the same five degrees of freedom (three translations and two rotations), use an explicit integration throughout the thickness and the same methodology to avoid shear and membrane locking.
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