An Object-Oriented Implementation of the Finite Element Method for Coupled problems


  • Igor Klapka Laboratoire des Techniques Aeronautiques et Spatiales Dynamique des Structures, Universite de Liege rue Ernest Solvay 21, B-4000, Liege, Belgium
  • Alberto Cardona Computational Mechanics Laboratory, INTEC Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Conicet Guemes 3450, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Michel Geradin Laboratoire des Techniques Aeronautiques et Spatiales Dynamique des Structures, Universite de Liege rue Ernest Solvay 21, B-4000, Liege, Belgium


coupled problems, piezoelectricity, object-oriented programming, C , command interpreter


Recent advances in computational hardware allow us to consider solving complex phenomena (e.g., coupled problems, large non linearities, optimization, etc.). Complexity of problems to be analyzed is constantly increasing due to cu"ent industrial demands that pose severe constraints to software developers. Object-oriented programming has emerged as a solution to manage complexity. In this paper, we describe aspects in the development of a finite element pro gram written in C++. Particular aspects of the fonnulation, as the concepts of partition and tools for the decomposition of the problem into several sub-parts, are introduced. Examples illustrating applications to the solution of piezoelectric motor modeling and of shape optimization are shown.


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How to Cite

Klapka, I. ., Cardona, A. ., & Geradin, M. . (1998). An Object-Oriented Implementation of the Finite Element Method for Coupled problems. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 7(5), 469–504. Retrieved from



Original Article