Integration d'une approche variationnelle pour Ia methode des elements finis dans un environnement oriente-objet Application a un probleme de convection non lineaire


  • Dominique Eyheramend l.aboratoire de mecanique des structures et milieux continus Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne DGC-A2, Ecublens CH-1015Lausanne
  • Thomas Zimmermann l.aboratoire de mecanique des structures et milieux continus Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne DGC-A2, Ecublens CH-1015Lausanne


variational formulations, nonlinear problems, finite element method, objectoriented programming, symbolic computation, numerical computation


Today, elaboration and maintenance of computational software remain challenging problems. The use of software tools with high level helps to overcome weaknesses of more traditional approaches. Symbolic manipulations software and modem programming paradigms open the door to new strategies for the solution of initial-boundary value problems. In earlier work, the authors' research group has proposed an approach to finite element programming based on object-oriented concepts; more recently, this approach has been extended to variational formulations. Our purpose in this paper is to give an illustration of the proposed strategy on the example of a one-dimensional nonlinear advection equation.


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How to Cite

Eyheramend, D. ., & Zimmermann, T. . (1998). Integration d’une approche variationnelle pour Ia methode des elements finis dans un environnement oriente-objet Application a un probleme de convection non lineaire. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 7(5), 589–607. Retrieved from



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