Resistance de plaques multiperforees : comparaison calcul - experience


  • Pascal Francescato Laboratoire Materiaux Composites (LaMaCo) ESIGEC, Universite de Savoie F-73376 Le Bourget duLac
  • Joseph Pastor Laboratoire Materiaux Composites (LaMaCo) ESIGEC, Universite de Savoie F-73376 Le Bourget duLac


limit analysis, homogenization of periodic media, finite element method, perforated plates, linear optimization, plasticity


This study concerns the strength prediction of heterogeneous ductile materials. On the one hand, we use the limit analysis theory with the kinematic and static methods and, on the other hand, the homogenization theory of periodic media. The corresponding programs use a RVE discretization with discontinuous finite elements for both stress and strain rates and they lead to linear optimization problems. The problem studied concern the evaluation of the uniaxial tensile strength of perforated sheets made up of different materials. A detailed comparison between our own numerical and experimental results is presented which is a satisfactory comparison for both the limit loads and the failure mechanics.


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How to Cite

Francescato, P. ., & Pastor, J. . (1998). Resistance de plaques multiperforees : comparaison calcul - experience. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 7(4), 421–437. Retrieved from



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