Modelisation des transferts thermiques conjugues par methode multigrille


  • Jean-Bernard Saulnier Laboratoire d'Etudes Thermiques (LET UMR 6608) ENSMA - BP 109 86960 Futuroscope cedex


multigrids, finite volumes, Navier-Stokes, conjugate heat transfer, conduction, convection, electronic boards


This paper is devoted to the presentation of multi grids and to their application to conjugate heat transfer in electronic boards. A given grid quickly damps out the components of the e"or, the space period of which is of the same order or less than the grid step. In a multigrid procedure once these high frequencies have vanished, one has to operate on a second and coarser grid: the low frequencies of the previous one become then mean and even high frequencies and are easier to eliminate on the second grid. The complete procedure of multigrid involves a series of embedded grids, the size of which becomes coarser and coarser. Details about the management of the grids will be provided and examples of application to electronic boards presented and discussed.



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How to Cite

Saulnier, J.-B. . (1997). Modelisation des transferts thermiques conjugues par methode multigrille. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 6(5-6), 643–671. Retrieved from



Original Article