Modelisation numerique des couplages en thermomecanique des solides


  • Andre Chrysochoos Laboratoire de Mecanique et Genie Civil, UMR CNRS 5508, Universite Montpellier l/, Place E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier cedex 05
  • Robert Peyroux Laboratoire de Mecanique et Genie Civil, UMR CNRS 5508, Universite Montpellier l/, Place E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier cedex 05


thermodynamics, thermomechanics, couplings, homogenization, temperature, heat, localization, polymers, shape memory alloys, composites, interface, residual stresses


In a first part the thermodynamic framework used to introduced the behavioral constitutive equations of solid materials is reminded. Using illustrative examples, the different terms of the energy balance are introduced, specially those due to thennomechanical coupling mechanisms. In a second part the main concepts on multiscale approach are introduced, focussing on coupling aspects, and the way of embedding coupled constitutive equations in a finite element code is discussed. We finally present four applications to illustrate the abovementioned approaches.



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How to Cite

Chrysochoos, A., & Peyroux, R. (1997). Modelisation numerique des couplages en thermomecanique des solides. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 6(5-6), 673–724. Retrieved from



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