Modal effective parameters in structural dynamics


  • Alain Girard INTESPACE Research and Development Division 18, Avenue Edouard-Belin, BP 4356, 3/029 Toulouse cedex 4
  • Nicolas A. Roy INTESPACE Research and Development Division 18, Avenue Edouard-Belin, BP 4356, 3/029 Toulouse cedex 4


dynamic structural analysis, vibration mode, modal response, parameter identification


Modal superposition techniques are generally used to analyse low frequency dynamic responses of complex structures. Within this context, modal effective parameters allow us to characterize in a comprehensive and intrinsic manner the eigenmodes, and to compute frequency response functions while controlling truncation effects. The general formulation is first given, introducing the effective jlexibilities, masses and transmissibilities. These parameters provide a physical understanding of the dynamic phenomena; they also respect summation rules related to particular static properties so that truncation effects can be estimated in terms of residuals. Finally, they can be directly used for many purposes : selection of important modes, comparison of modal bases, elaboration of equivalent models, and computation of responses of any type.



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How to Cite

Girard, A. ., & Roy, N. A. . (1997). Modal effective parameters in structural dynamics. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 6(2), 233–254. Retrieved from



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