Comportement elastoplastique des aciers lors de Ia mise en forme : theorie micromecanique, simulations numeriques et resultats experimentaux.


  • Marcel Berveiller Laboratoire de Physique et Mecanique des Materiaux URA CNRS, /SGMP /le du Saulcy, 57045 Metz
  • Joseph Morreale Laboratoire d'Etude et de Developpement des Produits Plats (LEDEPP- SOLLAC) 17, avenue des Tilleuls, 57191 Florange
  • Eric Reubrez Laboratoire de Physique et Mecanique des Materiaux URA CNRS, /SGMP /le du Saulcy, 57045 Metz


plasticity, polycrystal, steel, texture, anisotropy, micromechanics, simulation, forming, residual stresses, slip, dislocations, grains


Recent developments concerning the modelisation of the elastoplastic behaviour of steel sheets using micromechanical models are presented. For the polycrystalline grains, the connection of moving dislocations and the global slip rate a well as the hardening matrix describing the slip systems interaction are introduced in order to describe the behaviour of the single crystals. The field equations for heterogeneous elastoplastic metals are transformed into an integral equation which is approximate by the self consistent assumption. New results concerning hardening, plastic anisotropy, crystallographic texture evolution are compared to experimental measurements.



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How to Cite

Berveiller, M. ., Morreale, J. ., & Reubrez, E. (1994). Comportement elastoplastique des aciers lors de Ia mise en forme : theorie micromecanique, simulations numeriques et resultats experimentaux. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 3(4), 491–514. Retrieved from



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