Prediction of Anelastic Flow Localization in Finite Elastoplasticity with Damage


  • Fafa Ben Hatira LG2mS- Mecanique- URA 1505 du CNRS Universite de technologic de Compiegne BP649 60206 Compiegne cedex
  • Charles Forster LG2mS- Mecanique- URA 1505 du CNRS Universite de technologic de Compiegne BP649 60206 Compiegne cedex
  • Khemals Saanouni LG2mS- Mecanique- URA 1505 du CNRS Universite de technologic de Compiegne BP649 60206 Compiegne cedex


finite plasticity, isotropic damage, numerical integration, shear band initiation


In this paper a energy-based coupled theory of Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) proposed by [SM 92] and [BEN 92] is extended to the finite strain plasticity formulated in the eulerian reference system. The classical framework of irreversible thermodynamics with internal state variables is used to describe both the continuous damage and the non-linear hardening (isotropic and kinematic). To ensure the objectivity of the coupled constitutive equations a Rotating Frame Formulation (RFF) is used. The associated computational framework divorces the "geometrical" non-linearities (large streches and rotations) from the physical "material" ones (hardening and damage). Details of the numerical algorithm are provided including the effect of the coupling between classical elastoplasticity and the CDM. Finally a simple numerically oriented treatment of the localized damaged plastic flow is presented.



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How to Cite

Hatira, F. B. ., Forster, C. ., & Saanouni, K. . (1994). Prediction of Anelastic Flow Localization in Finite Elastoplasticity with Damage. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 3(1), 27–56. Retrieved from



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