Simulation numerique des modeles de O.A. Ladyzhenskaya par Ia methode des elements finis


  • Daniel Le Roux Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Me Gill University Montreal H3A 2K6 Canada
  • Hassan Manouzi Dtpartement de Mathlmatiques et Statistique Universitt de Laval Ste-Foy, Quibec GJK 7P4 Canada


Navier-Stockes, Ladyzhenskaya models, variable viscosity, finite element, nonlinear system


ABS11lACT. In this paper we study the finite element approximalion of the first and the second models for the motion of incompressible viscous flows proposed by 0 .A. Ladyzhenskaya. The uniqueness result of the weak and discrete formulations associaled with the problem : { roL( (vo + vdroL ui•-l] roLu)- gr;_d ( (v0 + vddivul'-2] divu) + u.'llu + gr;_dp = f in 0 divu = 0 inn u=O ~r are established. Numerical results for these two models on a driven cavity problem are the presented and discussed.



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How to Cite

Roux, D. L. ., & Manouzi, H. . (1993). Simulation numerique des modeles de O.A. Ladyzhenskaya par Ia methode des elements finis. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2(4), 517–534. Retrieved from



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