A Convergent three Field Quadrilateral Finite Element Method for Simulating Viscoelastic Flow on Irregular Meshes


  • Victoriano Ruas Pontificia Universidade do Rio de Janeiro (PUCIRJ) Brazil (currently on leave) Universit~ de Saint-Etienne & LMM, URA 229 CNRS,tour 66, 4e bage 75252 Paris, cedex 05




elemenJs finis, fluides visco-elastiques, maillages irreguliers, quadrangles, systemes de Stokes, trois champs


In a recent paper a finite elemenJ method for solving the three field Stokes system as a basis for the numerical solution of viscoelastic fluid flow problems was introduced. The method constructed upon a biquadratic velocity, a discontinuous linear pressure and a bilinear extra stress tensor interpolation in quadrilaterals, enriched with fifteen bubble tensors, has been proved to yield second order approximations of these variables, in the case of rectangular meshes. In this work equivalent results are proven to hold in the case of irregular meshes.



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How to Cite

Ruas, V. . (1992). A Convergent three Field Quadrilateral Finite Element Method for Simulating Viscoelastic Flow on Irregular Meshes. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 1(4), 391–406. https://doi.org/10.13052/ejcm2642-2085.141



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