Spectrally formulated user-defined element in conventional finite element environment for wave motion analysis in 2-D composite structures
Wavelet spectral finite element, user-defined element, wave propagation, structural health monitoring, composite structuresAbstract
Wave propagation analysis in 2-D composite structures is performed efficiently and accurately through the formulation of a User-Defined Element (UEL) based on the wavelet spectral finite element (WSFE) method. The WSFE method is based on the first-order shear deformation theory which yields accurate results for wave motion at high frequencies. The 2-D WSFE model is highly efficient computationally and provides a direct relationship between system input and output in the frequency domain. The UEL is formulated and implemented in Abaqus (commercial finite element software) for wave propagation analysis in 2-D composite structures with complexities. Frequency domain formulation of WSFE leads to complex valued parameters, which are decoupled into real and imaginary parts and presented to Abaqus as real values. The final solution is obtained by forming a complex value using the real number solutions given by Abaqus. Five numerical examples are presented in this article, namely undamaged plate, impacted plate, plate with ply drop, folded plate and plate with stiffener. Wave motions predicted by the developed UEL correlate very well with Abaqus simulations. The results also show that the UEL largely retains computational efficiency of the WSFE method and extends its ability to model complex features.
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