Hydrodynamic stability and turbulent transition with the Vreman LES SGS and a modified lattice Boltzmann equation
Boltzmann, incompressible, multiple relaxation time (MRT), Transition, lattice, large eddy simulation (LES), Vreman subgrid model, hydrodynamic stabilityAbstract
For the evaluation of a broad range of Re in incompressible flows, particularly unsteady and transition regimes, the Vreman subgrid scale model is studied within the framework of a modified lattice Boltzmann equation. A unique multiple relaxation time form which recovers the fully incompressible unsteady Navier-Stokes equations is derived for the D3Q19 lattice. Solutions to the 3D-driven cavity are compared to a number of lattice Boltzmann and Navier-Stokes solutions. Initial simulations demonstrate the vanishing nature of eddy viscosity in the steady laminar regime. Onset of unsteadiness is found between Re 1900 and 1950, matching well with the wealth of literature. At Re 6000, velocity history and complex vortex structures show a transition to turbulence near the domain bottom and front walls while the centre of the domain retains laminar characteristics. By Re 8000 intermittent turbulence has progressed to the domain centre. This range of Re for transition and the flow characteristics are in agreement with the general ranges in literature, with further observations being added here. The Vreman model with an incompressible lattice Boltzmann method is found to be a promising tool for laminarto- turbulent simulation.
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