Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of Flexible Double Wishbone Suspension Systems with Different Damping Mechanisms
Viscoelastic, incremental finite element, double wishbone suspension, links flexibility, revolute joint, road irregularities, Timoshenko beam hypothesis (TBH)Abstract
Suspension systems in running vehicles keep the occupants comfortable and isolated from road noise, disturbances, and vibrations and consequently prevent the vehicle from damage and wearing. To attain comfortable and vibration isolation conditions, both material flexibility and damping should be considered in the considered suspension model. This paper presents an incremental finite element model to study and analyze the dynamic behavior of double wishbone suspension systems considering both material flexibility and damping effects. The flexibility of the suspension links are modeled with plane frame element based on Timoshenko beam hypothesis (TBH). On the other hand, the flexibility of joints connecting the suspension links together and with the vehicle chassis is modeled with the revolute joint element. To incorporate the damping effect, viscoelastic, viscous and proportional damping are considered. An incremental viscoelastic constitutive relations, suitable for finite element implementation, are developed. The developed finite element equations of motion are solved using the Newmark technique. The developed procedure is verified by comparing the obtained results with that obtained by the developed analytical solution and an excellent agreement is found. The applicability and effectiveness of the developed procedure are demonstrated by conducting parametric studies to show the effects of the road irregularities profiles, the vehicle speed, and the material damping on the transverse deflection and the resultant stresses of suspension system. Results obtained are supportive in the mechanical design, manufacturing processes of such type of structural systems.
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