Hypersingular Boundary Integral Equation for Harmonic Acoustic Problems in 2.5D Domains with Moving Sources
BEM, 2.5D, Hypersingular, Acoustic barriers, Coincident Boundaries, Moving Sources, Helmholtz Equation.Abstract
A challenge faced when modeling coincident boundaries by the Boundary Element Method, is to obtain an accurate approximation of integrals which have singular and/or hypersingular kernels. In this paper,we apply a procedure based on regularization of the kernels to compute singular and hypersingular integrals for time harmonic wave problems in two and a half dimensional (2.5D) domains. For this purpose, the Fundamental Solution is described and the study of the terms that arise taking its limit as r → 0 is carried out. These terms lead to Singular Boundary Integral Equation (SBIE) and Hypersingular Boundary Integral Equation (HBIE). Regular terms of SBIE and HBIE are integrated by applying numerical quadratures, whereas singular and hypersingular terms are calculated analytically.Working in 2.5D domains make it easier to compute moving sources.Aprocedure, which leads to a simple change of the frequency of the problem, is described in this paper. Numerical results are presented for acoustic problems with coincident boundaries to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed formulation.
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