Levels of Stromal Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1) and Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) and Very Small Embryonic-Like Cells (VSEL) in Ischemic Stroke Patients


  • Bayu Winata Putera 1) Postgraduate Program in Clinical Biochemistry, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia 2) Prodia Stemcell Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Cynthia R. Sartika Prodia Stemcell Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Andi Wijaya 1) Postgraduate Program in Clinical Biochemistry, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia 2) Prodia Stemcell Indonesia, Indonesia 3) Prodia Clinical Laboratory, Indonesia
  • Irawan Yusuf Postgraduate Program in Clinical Biochemistry, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  • Aw Tar-Choon 2) Prodia Stemcell Indonesia, Indonesia 4) National University of Singapore, Singapore




SDF-1, BDNF, VSEL, Ischaemic stroke


Ischemic stroke remains a major health problem associated with high mortality and severe morbidity. The challenge of treatment is to understand the process leading to endogenous neurorepair mechanism to ischemic stroke. This study tested the hypothesis that VSEL, SDF-1 and BDNF have important roles in the process endogenous neurorepair in response to ischemic stroke. Studies indicated an increase in SDF-1 and VSEL within one week of stroke. BDNF levels tapered after day 15. Together the studies indicated that BDNF levels were highest when measured within 7 days of stroke onset and decreased thereafter. SDF-1 and VSEL were highest at between 7 and 15 days of stroke onset. The findings indicated that SDF-1 could be key for VSEL to be mobilized as a natural repair process whereas BDNF might be the correlative response to prevent cell death.


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Author Biographies

Bayu Winata Putera, 1) Postgraduate Program in Clinical Biochemistry, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia 2) Prodia Stemcell Indonesia, Indonesia

B. W. Putera holds a pharmacist at Padjadjaran University, Indonesia in 2006 and finished his Master from Hasanuddin University, Indonesia. He also actively involved in various research especially at the field of clinical chemistry and stem cells. He have many publication of papers: The Dynamic roles of Visfatin and Obestatin Serum Concentration in Pancreatic Beta Cells Dysfunction and Insulin Resistance in Centrallly Obese Men where published in Indonesian Biomedical Journal, Factors Affecting The Acquisition of CD34 Cells From Umbiical Cord Blood where published in American Journal of Scientific Research.

Andi Wijaya, 1) Postgraduate Program in Clinical Biochemistry, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia 2) Prodia Stemcell Indonesia, Indonesia 3) Prodia Clinical Laboratory, Indonesia

A. Wijaya holds a pharmacist at Institute Technology Bandung, Indonesia in 1963 and finished his Ph.D in 1978 from University of Munster, Germany. He have many award from many organization: Golden Academy Award from National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry USA in 1987, doctor honoris causa in biomedical science from University of Birmingham in 1991, Hold Record of Achievement in Science from NACCCA, USA in 1994. He also actively involved in various research and development activities especially in the field of clinical chemistry and stem cell. Many scientific articles, papers, and research that related to the field of clinical chemistry and stem cells have been written by him.

Irawan Yusuf, Postgraduate Program in Clinical Biochemistry, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

I. Yusuf holds a medical doctor degree at Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University Makassar in 1984 and finished his Ph.D in 1992 from Hiroshima University School of Medicine, Japan. He is a lecturer at department of Physiology since 1986. He also actively involved in various research and development activities, especially in the field of molecular biology. He was doing research on Cellular Electrophysiology of Cardiac Cell Membrane (1987–1992) and also a Senior Researcher at the Eijkman Institute, Jakarta
(1995–2002). Many scientific articles, books, papers, and research that related to the field of molecular and genetics have been written by him. He was a pio-neer of International Class for Malaysian students and Faculty of Psychology at Hasanuddin University. He has been awarded with “2013 Bakrie Award”
for his achievement in research.

Aw Tar-Choon, 2) Prodia Stemcell Indonesia, Indonesia 4) National University of Singapore, Singapore

Aw Tar-Choon is expertis in the field of clinical chemistry and stem cells. He holds a medical doctor degree at University of Malaya and his Master in Harvard-National University of Singapore in 1992. He is a lecturer at University of Singapore, Singapore. He also actively involved in various research and development activities, especially in the field of clinical chemistry, endocrinology, stem cells and health policy. Many scientific articles, books, papers, and research that related to the field of research and development activities, especially in the field of clinical chemistry, endocrinology, stem cells and health policy have been written by him. He have many award from many organization: American Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and scientist young investigator award in 1982 and 1983, Boehringer-
Mannheim gold medal by Singapore Association of Clinical Biochemist in 1988, Becton-Dickinson award from Singapore Society of Pathology in 1996.


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How to Cite

Putera, B. W., Sartika, C. R., Wijaya, A., Yusuf, I., & Tar-Choon, A. (2016). Levels of Stromal Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1) and Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) and Very Small Embryonic-Like Cells (VSEL) in Ischemic Stroke Patients . International Journal of Translational Science, 2016, 61–70. https://doi.org/10.13052/ijts2246-8765.2016.004


