

  • Pranela Rameshwar rofessor Emerita, Rutgers University


This second issue of the International Journal of Translational Science (River Publisher) have six papers with the theme of translational science. One of the journal’s goals is to submit early clinical trials to alert other scientists and stakeholders of the data. The issue publishes an article demonstrating long-term benefit of facial regeneration. The described process showed the outcome of stromal vascular fraction and extracellular matrix. The study did not address long-term effect. However, since this clinical study used autolo- gous cells, there is implied safety in the approach. The issue includes a study that supports alternative treatments and approach for mental illness. This study fits with the journal’s goal to be inclusive in clinical approaches as well as to bring international studies to the global audience. Lakey et al. showed the potential for a novel peptide to drop blood glucose levels in immune deficient mice. Although this is an early outcome, the experimental evidence suggests that the peptide could show clinical benefit as the group proceeds with additional studies. The study by Levit et al. outlines a novel effect by Porphyromonas gingivalis infection on cardiovascular risk. The group presents potential biomarkers to predict early risk; hence relevance to preven- tive care that is likely to mitigate cardiovascular risk. This issue also include a basic science study on a clinical issue, namely preeclampsia (PE). These patients are treated with aspirin to prevent PE. This authors demonstrated aspirin reseting the function of placenta stem cells. The group further showed that the reset stem cells could mitigate inflammation, indicating that aspirin could be involved in counteracting the mother’s inflammatory response via placenta stem cells. The question is how fast research and experimental trials could get to the clinic. This was addressed in an opinion article by William Faloon. The author used available data to discuss FDA delays in approving drugs. This is a must-read article that carefully discuss drug approval delays that appear to continue to date.


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How to Cite

Rameshwar, P. (2024). Editorial. International Journal of Translational Science, 2024(01), v. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/IJTS/article/view/25689




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