Competing Hazards Regression Parameter Estimation Under Different Informative Priors
Competing risks, cause specific hazard, Cox regression, Burr type XII distribution, Bayes estimation, MCMC algorithmAbstract
In the analysis of survival data, cause specific quantities of competing risks get considerable attention as compared to latent failure time approach. This article focuses on parametric regression analysis of survival data using cause specific hazard function with Burr type XII distribution as a baseline model. We obtained maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates of cumulative cause specific hazard functions under competing risk setup. For Bayesian point of view we proposed a class of informative priors for parameters to observe the comprehensive compatibility and their effectiveness under two different loss functions. The appropriateness of model is measured by the simulation study. Finally, we illustrate the proposed methodologies using bone marrow transplant data from the Princess Margaret Hospital Ontario, Canada.
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