
  • P. Madhusoodhanan C. Kandaswami Naidu College for men, Chennai, India
  • P. Sekar C. Kandaswami Naidu College for men, Chennai, India
  • R. Ramanarayanan Vel Tech University, Chennai, India


Storage System, Production and Sale, Repair and Recruitment, Joint Laplace Transform.


A study on production and sales system is performed. A machine produces random number of products during the operation time. After the operation time, sale time starts which has one among two distinct distributions depending on the magnitude of production time within or exceeding a random threshold magnitude. Two models are treated considering manpower system exposed to a departure process; the machine has SCBZ failure pattern with repair; manpower recruitments and sales time have general distributions. The system fails when both manpower and machine are in failed state. In model 1, the sales are done one by one and in model 2, when the operation time is more than a threshold, the sales are done altogether and when it is less than the threshold, the sales are done one by one. The Joint Laplace transform of the variables, their means and the Co-variances with numerical results are presented.


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How to Cite

Madhusoodhanan, P. ., Sekar, P. ., & Ramanarayanan, R. . (2016). GENERAL PRODUCTION AND SALES SYSTEM WITH SCBZ MACHINE TIME AND MARKOVIAN MANPOWER. Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, 9(01), 29–45. Retrieved from


