An Effective SEO Techniques and Technologies Guide-map


  • Konstantinos I. Roumeliotis Communication Networks and Applications Laboratory, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese, End of Karaiskaki Street, 22 100, Tripolis, Greece
  • Nikolaos D. Tselikas Communication Networks and Applications Laboratory, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese, End of Karaiskaki Street, 22 100, Tripolis, Greece



search engine optimization, search engine optimization techniques, organic traffic, seo prototype tool


The paper analyzes from a technical point of view the search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and technologies, which lead to effective results up to date. More specifically, it examines the potential SEO alternatives, with ultimate target to increase the organic visitors of a website and climb it up on top of the ranking in respective search engine’s queries. The main problem every website’s owner has to solve is which of these SEO techniques have to be implemented in order to increase the organic traffic with the minimum budget. This paper aims to present the dominant SEO techniques and evaluate their effectiveness to organic traffic. This paper aims to present the way well-known websites apply SEO nowadays. Taking advantage of this information, Webmasters will know in advance which exactly SEO techniques should apply to their websites and in which specific order to gain higher search results, resulting to higher traffic.


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Author Biographies

Konstantinos I. Roumeliotis, Communication Networks and Applications Laboratory, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese, End of Karaiskaki Street, 22 100, Tripolis, Greece

Konstantinos I. Roumeliotis received the master’s degree in computer engineering from University of Peloponnese in 2019. He is currently PhD candidate at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese. His research areas include web technologies, technical search engine optimization and web accessibility.

Nikolaos D. Tselikas, Communication Networks and Applications Laboratory, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese, End of Karaiskaki Street, 22 100, Tripolis, Greece

Nikolaos D. Tselikas is an Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications in the University of Peloponnese (UoP). He received both his Dipl.-Ing. and PhD from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National Technical University of Athens in 1999 and 2004, respectively. His research interests include: services and networking, middleware and software engineering, software performance evaluation, location-based services, mobile applications and open source software. He has been involved in several research projects on the above areas and has published more than 70 papers in international journals, conferences and book chapters and two books on C programming language.


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How to Cite

Roumeliotis, K. I. ., & Tselikas, N. D. . (2022). An Effective SEO Techniques and Technologies Guide-map. Journal of Web Engineering, 21(05), 1603–1650.


