SecureOnt: A Security Ontology for Establishing Data Provenance in Semantic Web
Security Ontology, , Data Provenance, Ontology Evaluation Tools, Semantic Web, Ontology Richness, Anomalies, Pitfall RateAbstract
Security becomes a primary concern during sharing of information over the web. To overcome this problem, many security ontologies have been developed so far. The available security ontologies help to track data provenance and contain different aspects of data security like confidentiality, integrity, data availability, and access control. This paper provides a security ontology for establishing data provenance in the semantic web. The proposed ontology contains a comprehensive knowledge base of data security by consolidating all the available security ontologies and derives data provenance with annotations at the extensional level and thus lower maintenance cost. By this paper, analysts and researchers find a road map, an overview of what exists in terms of security ontologies.
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