Crawling the Deep Web Using Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic Technique
Web crawler, deep web, reinforcement learning, A3CAbstract
In the digital world, World Wide Web magnitude is expanding very promptly. Now a day, a rising number of data-centric websites require a mechanism to crawl the information. The information accessible through hyperlinks can easily be retrieved with general-purpose search engines. A massive chunk of the structured information is invisible behind the search forms. Such immense information is recognized as the deep web and has structured information as compared to the surface web. Crawling the content of deep web is very challenging and requires filling the search forms with suitable queries. This paper proposes an innovative technique using an Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) to explore the unidentified deep web pages. It is based on the policy gradient deep reinforcement learning technique that parameterizes the policy and value function based on the reward system. A3C has one coordinator and various agents. These agents learn from different environments, update the local gradients to a coordinator, and produce a more stable system. The proposed technique has been validated with Open Directory Project (ODP). The experimental outcome shows that the proposed technique outperforms most of the prevailing techniques based on various metrics such as average precision-recall, average harvest rate, and coverage ratio.
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