Sequence Encoder-based Spatiotemporal Knowledge Graph Completion
Knowledge graph completion, recursive neural network, spatiotemporal informationAbstract
Knowledge graph (KG) completion aims to infer new facts from incomplete knowledge graphs. Most existing solutions focus on learning from time-aware fact triples and ignore the spatial information. In reality, knowledge graphs can evolve with time as well as the changing locations, such as the flight domain. Therefore, integrating spatiotemporal information into knowledge graph representation is important for the knowledge graph completion. To address this problem, this paper proposes two Spatio Temporal-aware knowledge graph completion models based on the Sequence Encoder, namely STSE and S-TSE, which incorporate the spatial and temporal information into relations. Specifically, the model consists of two steps: spatiotemporal-aware relation encoding and final scoring function evaluation. The first stage composes the spatiotemporal information into different tokens. Then two methods are proposed to obtain the embedding of spatiotemporal-aware relation by utilizing the Recursive Neural Network. The second stage proposes different scoring functions for two models. Empirically evaluation of the proposed models is conducted on spatiotemporal-aware KG completion task on two public datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposal for spatiotemporal knowledge graph completion.
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