Federated Latent Dirichlet Allocation for User Preference Mining
Web service composition, user preference mining, Federated learning, LDA, Homomorphic encryption, BlockchainAbstract
In the field of Web services computing, a recent demand trend is to mine user preferences based on user requirements when creating Web service compositions, in order to meet comprehensive and ever evolving user needs. Machine learning methods such as the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) have been applied for user preference mining. However, training a high-quality LDA model typically requires large amounts of data. With the prevalence of government regulations and laws and the enhancement of people’s awareness of privacy protection, the traditional way of collecting user data on a central server is no longer applicable. Therefore, it is necessary to design a privacy-preserving method to train an LDA model without massive collecting or leaking data. In this paper, we present novel federated LDA techniques to learn user preferences in the Web service ecosystem. On the basis of a user-level distributed LDA algorithm, we establish two federated LDA models in charge of two-layer training scenarios: a centralized synchronous federated LDA (CSFed-LDA) for synchronous scenarios and a decentralized asynchronous federated LDA (DAFed-LDA) for asynchronous ones. In the former CSFed-LDA model, an importance-based partially homomorphic encryption (IPHE) technique is developed to protect privacy in an efficient manner. In the latter DAFed-LDA model, blockchain technology is incorporated and a multi-channel-based authority control scheme (MCACS) is designed to enhance data security. Extensive experiments over a real-world dataset ProgrammableWeb.com have demonstrated the model performance, security assurance and training speed of our approach.
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