Identifying the Facilitating Factors for Web-based Trading: A Case Study of Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
Web Trading, Blockchain, Crytocurrency, Technology AcceptanceAbstract
Blockchain, which is spotlighted as one of the core technologies in the Web 3.0 era, is being used as a tool for high security and decentralization. In addition, blockchain has been positioned as a core technology for services such as cryptocurrency, NFT, De-Fi, and metaverse, and has already provided high-quality services. In particular, cryptocurrency has shown rapid growth and has been receiving worldwide attention. Cryptocurrency is a web technology and has the property that it can be an investment target, and it is expected to develop further in the future. In this research, we analyzed factors influencing the intention to use cryptocurrency and structural causalities among the factors. We considered personal characteristics, characteristics of cryptocurrency itself, and social characteristic, and a research model has been established for an empirical study. In addition, a multi-group analysis was performed to identify differences between users and non-users. As a result of the analysis, it was found that some of the personal characteristics and cryptocurrency characteristics affect the intention to use. And in the case of non-users, it was found that not only personal and cryptocurrency characteristics, but also social characteristic influence their intention to use. The results of this research are expected to provide implications for cryptocurrency service providers and users, as well as institutions that establish related policies.
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