Identification and Classification of Risk Factors in Distributed Agile Software Development
Risk Management, Distributed agile software development, Agile software developments, Distributed software developmentAbstract
Distributed Agile Software Development (DASD) is an amalgamation of Agile Software Development (ASD) with Distributed Software Development (DSD). Although DASD integrates the speed benefits of ASD with the cost benefits of DSD, however, it brings along various risk factors that arise due to the fact that both ASD and DSD works on a different set of principles. These associated risks must be addressed and managed well in time for the successful completion of the project. This paper reviews the current literature and presents the current challenges of Risk Management in the DASD environment. This paper also determines 71 risk factors associated with DASD and analyses them based on their causes and sources. Further, these risk factors are segregated into 11 different categories. Timely management of these risks may reduce the uncertainty of project failure in the DASD environment.
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