Research on Web GUI Image Recognition System Based on Improved Convolutional Neural Network


  • Nannan Zhao School of Computer Science and Engineering, Guangdong Ocean University at Yangjiang, China



Improved convolutional neural network, Web GUI image recognition, l2 regularization, improved particle swarm optimization


In this paper, a MobileNet V2 convolutional neural network depending on L2 regularization method, a amended particle swarm model and Dropout method are constructed in a bid for enhancing the accuracy and speed of Web GUI image recognition for establishing Web Web GUI image recognition system of Web GUI test. Firstly, an improved MobileNet V2 convolutional neural network is constructed. Secondly, the basic models of L2 regularization method, improved particle swarm method and Dropout method are studied, the improved MobileNet V2 convolution neural network optimization algorithm is proposed, and the basic model of image processing is designed. Finally, simulation analysis is carried out on Web GUI image recognition through using the amended convolutional neural network on basis of MINIST data set as the research object. The simulation results illustrate that the amended convolutional neural network proposed in this study is more accurate and efficient in Web GUI image recognition.


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Author Biography

Nannan Zhao, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Guangdong Ocean University at Yangjiang, China

Nannan Zhao received her B.Sc. and M.E. degrees in Computer Application Technology from Liaoning Technical University, China. She was awarded the title of Outstanding Teacher of Private Education in Guangdong Province. She won the Award of Guangdong Excellent Online Teaching Case,the special prize of university-level teaching Achievement Award, the Excellence Award of the 4th Guangdong Provincial College (undergraduate) Young Teachers’ Teaching Competition, the third prize of micro class of higher Education Group in Guangdong Provincial Computer Education Software Evaluation Activity, and the third prize of scientific research project of Guangdong Provincial Finance Department. She has been an excellent member of Jiusan Society in Zhanjiang City from 2019.


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How to Cite

Zhao, N. . (2022). Research on Web GUI Image Recognition System Based on Improved Convolutional Neural Network. Journal of Web Engineering, 21(05), 1727–1748.



Advanced Practice in Web Engineering