Improving Phishing Website Detection Using a Hybrid Two-level Framework for Feature Selection and XGBoost Tuning
XGBoost, artificial intelligence, web security, swarm intelligence, metaheuristics optimization, firefly algorithmAbstract
In the last few decades, the World Wide Web has become a necessity that offers numerous services to end users. The number of online transactions increases daily, as well as that of malicious actors. Machine learning plays a vital role in the majority of modern solutions. To further improve Web security, this paper proposes a hybrid approach based on the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) machine learning model optimized by an improved version of the well-known metaheuristics algorithm. In this research, the improved firefly algorithm is employed in the two-tier framework, which was also developed as part of the research, to perform both the feature selection and adjustment of the XGBoost hyper-parameters. The performance of the introduced hybrid model is evaluated against three instances of well-known publicly available phishing website datasets. The performance of novel introduced algorithms is additionally compared against cutting-edge metaheuristics that are utilized in the same framework. The first two datasets were provided by Mendeley Data, while the third was acquired from the University of California, Irvine machine learning repository. Additionally, the best performing models have been subjected to SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) analysis to determine the impact of each feature on model decisions. The obtained results suggest that the proposed hybrid solution achieves a superior performance level in comparison to other approaches, and that it represents a perspective solution in the domain of web security.
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