Comparison of Machine Learning Based on Category Theory


  • Heng Zhao College of Big Data and Internet, Shenzhen Technology University, Shen Zhen, 518118, China
  • Yixing Chen College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shen Zhen, 518118, China
  • Xianghua Fu College of Big Data and Internet, Shenzhen Technology University, Shen Zhen, 518118, China



Web engineering, Big data, Machine Learning, preprocessing, category theory, Accuracy


In recent years, machine learning has been widely used in data analysis of network engineering. The increasing types of model and data enhance the complexity of machine learning. In this paper, we propose a mathematical structure based on category theory as a combination of machine learning that combines multiple theories of data mining. We aim to study machine learning from the perspective of classification theory. Category theory utilizes mathematical language to connect the various structures of machine learning. We implement the representation of machine learning with category theory. In the experimental section, slice categories and functors are introduced in detail to model the data preprocessing. We use functors to preprocess the benchmark dataset and evaluate the accuracy of nine machine learning models. A key contribution is the representation of slice categories. This study provides a structural perspective of machine learning and a general method for the combination of category theory and machine learning.


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Author Biographies

Heng Zhao, College of Big Data and Internet, Shenzhen Technology University, Shen Zhen, 518118, China

Heng Zhao is an assistant professor, College of Big Data and Internet, Shenzhen Technology University, and M.Sc. Supervisor, Shenzhen University. His research interests include Big Data modeling, machine learning, etc.

Yixing Chen, College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shen Zhen, 518118, China

Yixing Chen is a graduate student in the College of Computer Science and Software, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. His research direction is machine learning.

Xianghua Fu, College of Big Data and Internet, Shenzhen Technology University, Shen Zhen, 518118, China

Xianghua Fu is currently a professor of the College of Big Data and Internet, and Vice Dean of the College of Big Data and Internet, Shenzhen Technology University. His research interests include natural language processing, information retrieval, machine learning and data mining, etc.


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How to Cite

Zhao, H. ., Chen, Y. ., & Fu, X. . (2023). Comparison of Machine Learning Based on Category Theory. Journal of Web Engineering, 22(01), 41–54.



Advanced Practice in Web Engineering in Asia