Bayesian Probability and Tanimoto Based Recurrent Neural Network for Question Answering System
Question answering system, question classification, recurrent neural network, Bayesian probability, machine learningAbstract
Question Answering (QA) has become one of the most significant information retrieval applications. Despite that, most of the question answering system focused to increase the user experience in finding the relevant result. Due to the continuous increase of web content, retrieving the relevant result faces a challenging issue in the Question Answering System (QAS). Thus, an effective Question Classification (QC), and retrieval approach named Bayesian probability and Tanimoto-based Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) are proposed in this research to differentiate the types of questions more efficiently. This research presented an analysis of different types of questions with respect to the grammatical structures. Various patterns are identified from the questions and the RNN classifier is used to classify the questions. The results obtained by the proposed Bayesian probability and Tanimoto-based RNN showed that the syntactic categories related to the domain-specific types of proper nouns, numeral numbers, and the common nouns enable the RNN classifier to reveal better result for different types of questions. However, the proposed approach obtained better performance in terms of precision, recall, and F-measure with the values of 90.14, 86.301, and 90.936 using dataset-2.
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