Examining the Empirical Relationship Between Quality of Service (QoS) and Trust Mechanisms of Cloud Services


  • Pooja Goyal Department of Computer Science and Application, MD University, Rohtak, Haryana, India
  • Sukhvinder Singh Deora Department of Computer Science and Application, MD University, Rohtak, Haryana, India




Cloud broker, MCDM, trust estimation, QoS, risk assessment, multi-tenancy, SMI


Service selection has emerged as a prominent challenge due to the flourishing demand for computing services and the dynamic nature of its resources. The increasing demand for cloud services makes it challenging to choose a provider offering equal services and facilities at costs that match those of competing providers. Apart from educating customers in the process of choosing cloud services, trust mechanisms include user reviews, reputation systems, and certifications assist to boost consumers’ confidence in cloud services. The service measurement index (SMI) offers a disciplined framework combining both functional and non-functional quality of service indicators concurrently, therefore easing decision-making. The main emphasis of the research is on the fundamental elements influencing the choice of cloud services in the present environment, the identification of extra characteristics of cloud services transcending SMI, and the identification of the most suitable approach for some services. By means of the measurement of customer enjoyment and experience, QoS traits provide some insight on the impact of trust mechanisms on service acceptance. Comparisons of SMI and QoS measurements before and after trust mechanism deployment provide insightful analysis. Empirical research guides these comparisons. This study aims to clarify the interactions among QoS, trust mechanisms, and cloud service adoption as well as highlight the implications these elements have for customers and service providers. Furthermore, presented in this paper is an algorithm using a comprehensive method to trust estimation in order to ascertain the degree of confidence worthiness of certain people.


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Author Biographies

Pooja Goyal, Department of Computer Science and Application, MD University, Rohtak, Haryana, India

Pooja Goyal. She is received a BCA degree in Computer Science from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak in 2009, an MCA degree in 2012 and M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from the Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak in 2017, UGC(Net) in Computer Science in 2017 and pursuing PhD from Maharshi Dayanand University under the guidance of Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Deora.

Sukhvinder Singh Deora, Department of Computer Science and Application, MD University, Rohtak, Haryana, India

Sukhvinder Singh Deora. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Sciences, at Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India. He received the MSc (Mathematics) & M.C.A. from Kurukshetra University in 2000 and 2002 respectively. He did his M.Phil. in Computer Science and completed his Ph.D. in 2015. He is a Reviewer of many SCIS-listed prestigious International and Indian Journals. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of some Journals. To his credit are many prominent papers in the area of data security, big data analytics, and issues related to Cloud Computing, general privacy and Computer Science education. He has also been editor of a few Proceedings at the National Level Seminars/Conferences. With an exposure of 19 years in education and 1.5 years in IT industry, his thrust areas also include Testing, Java technologies, and Database design issues. His current contributions are in areas including Big Data Analytics, Network Security, Theoretical Computer Sciences, and applications of Fuzzy Logic. He is an active member of professional societies like ACM, the Computer Society of India (CSI), and the Indian Society of Information Theory and Applications (ISITA). Some short vitae can be included here.


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How to Cite

Goyal, P. ., & Deora, S. S. . (2024). Examining the Empirical Relationship Between Quality of Service (QoS) and Trust Mechanisms of Cloud Services. Journal of Web Engineering, 23(07), 913–972. https://doi.org/10.13052/jwe1540-9589.2372


