Improved Design of Concurrent Synchronization System Controller Based on Petri Net
Synchronization concurrent system, Petri net, deadlock detection, deadlock controller, concurrency, deadlock elimination, Petri net with data, data consistentAbstract
At present, the advancement of science and technology has contributed to the emergence of various network parallel environments, web service concurrency environments and massively parallel processors. In order to abstract some practical systems into concurrent system models, it is necessary to conduct model analysis, and to perform deadlock detection of the concurrent system. Despite prior studies on the control problem of the synchronous concurrent system, there remains room for improvement in terms of workload, time, and efficiency. Some very practical methods are explored by introducing locking and unlocking to synchronize the concurrent system, and the algorithm that involves the specific regulation is provided. The Petri net model of the controller is developed to provide an effective method applicable to find the deadlock and to prevent and eliminate the deadlock for synchronous concurrent systems.
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