Disclosure: Improving Performance and Security of Web App Migration in Liquid Computing


  • Jae-Yun Kim Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Soo-Mook Moon Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea




Web app migration, closure, code instrumentation, liquid computing, multiple migrations, secure migration


Web app migration refers to capturing a snapshot of the execution state of a web app on a device and restoring it on another device to continue its execution for cross-device liquid computing. Although web apps are relatively easy to migrate due to their high portability, there is a JavaScript language feature called closure that complicates the migration since it requires migrating the variable states of already-finished outer functions. One approach to web app migration is to instrument the source code to trace the closure variables, yet this often suffers from performance slowdown, especially for multiple migrations. In this paper, we propose a new instrumentation-based technique called Disclosure, which moves the declarations of closure variables to a managed data structure and replaces the closure variables with the corresponding references to the data structure. This technique can improve runtime performance while enhancing security. We evaluated our work with eight Octane benchmarks and four real web apps. The runtime performance penalty due to Disclosure is 0–15%, which is a significant improvement over the results of the latest instrumentation-based work that supports similar deep closures and multiple migrations to Disclosure. Furthermore, real web apps are demonstrated to migrate seamlessly, even multiple times. Finally, Disclosure can hide data from exposure during migration with a secure migration technique using data encryption.


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Author Biographies

Jae-Yun Kim, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jae-Yun Kim received his bachelor’s degree in electrical and computer engineering from Seoul National University in 2015. He is a Ph.D. candidate studying at Virtual Machine and Optimization (VM&O) Laboratory in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Seoul National University. He is currently a Founder and CEO of Superblock Co., Ltd., designing and implementing a new blockchain network focusing on lightweight node clients.

Soo-Mook Moon, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Soo-Mook Moon received his Ph.D. at the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1993. During 1992–1993, he worked at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, where he developed the IBM VLIW compiler. During 1993–1994, he was a software design engineer at the Hewlett-Packard Company in California Language Lab, where he contributed to developing an optimizing compiler for the PA-RISC CPUs. Since 1994, he has been with the faculty of the Seoul National University in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, where he is now a full professor. Now, he leads the Virtual Machine and Optimization (VM&O) Laboratory in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Seoul National University. Research areas of VM&O Lab are blockchains, federated learning, compiler optimizations, language virtual machines, and web platform optimization.


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How to Cite

Kim, J.-Y. ., & Moon, S.-M. . (2023). Disclosure: Improving Performance and Security of Web App Migration in Liquid Computing. Journal of Web Engineering, 22(01), 79–104. https://doi.org/10.13052/jwe1540-9589.2215


